Documents can be converted into .pdf format using Adobe Acrobat Licensed softwares and services. There are professional software like Global Graphics gDoc that provide better editing features. Some freely downloadable tools do claim to convert PDF files for free but they add watermarks.
So the best way to create and edit PDF files using free software is by the use of "oracle-pdfimport" plugin with Open Office. Once installed you can open PDF files in Open Office Writer and save it as .doc/.docx format. You can also open .doc or .odf documents and then export them as PDF files.
Open Office is complete set of tools like Microsoft Office but it is free to use even commercially. Open Office is licensed under the GNU public license.
So the best way to create and edit PDF files using free software is by the use of "oracle-pdfimport" plugin with Open Office. Once installed you can open PDF files in Open Office Writer and save it as .doc/.docx format. You can also open .doc or .odf documents and then export them as PDF files.
Open Office is complete set of tools like Microsoft Office but it is free to use even commercially. Open Office is licensed under the GNU public license.